Hey Everyone,
This week wasn't the best, but there were a lot of good things that happened, we were able to meet with our investigator three times and help him progress. we also had a ton of finding time so we stayed pretty busy. Its good cause i am trying to stay very motivated and that's why i am thankful for my companion who is super motivated and ready to do the lords work.
One thing that was super cool is we were visiting some less actives and we were looking over the names of all the people we could go visit. So we decided to go see this old women who is really struggling and having a hard time so we just shared a message with her "Mountains To Climb" It is a really good video that talks about how we all can grow from the daily struggles in life and how the savior is always there to comfort us and help us thru the struggles. We asked her if she would like a blessing and with no hesitation she said Yes. It was Awesome and way cool to see the Lords Hand in our Work.
We were able to meet with J. and help him grow and learn more about the Restored Gospel. We taught him a lesson on faith. and helped him grow a stronger testimony of the Savior. He has had a pretty rough life and says he wants to make Jesus Christ the center of his life so it is really awesome meeting with him cause he has such a strong desire for the Gospel. We had another lesson where we taught the restoration and he just says it makes sense that God would Restore his Perfect Church to the earth. He really is growing a stronger testimony of Joseph Smith and how he was a true prophet called of God. Me and Elder Honda are really excited going forward with him.
We had a really good district meeting. I learned more on the importance of The Restoration and how important it is to help our Investigators understand the First Vision and the many things we can Learn from that event. another thing that was really cool is The Vanlueweens came back in town for like a week and took us missionaries out to Texas Roadhouse it has been a while since i have seen them so it was pretty cool and they are just like the coolest people in the world. I also had an exchange with our District Leader, Elder Bateman it was a lot of fun and i always Learn a lot from him.
The Scripture I would like to leave you guys this week is 2nd Nephi 31:20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye Shall have Eternal Life. I just love this scripture and i know if we keep doing the little things like reading and praying it will bless us in our lives. Anyways I love and Miss you all and i hope you guys have a Wonderful Week.
Elder Gentry