Hey everyone, this week went by super fast but also it was a pretty good week. I can't Believe I have hit my 8 Month Mark I have officially finished 1/3 of my mission. It is crazy to think about how fast it has gone, things are still going really well and Florida is getting better and better. It's not hot anymore the weather is perfect, like 75 to 80 degrees. This year has gone by so quick can't believe it's almost Halloween.
Tuesday was a really good day for me and my companion and for our Investigators, we were able to get them to the church and attend the face to face event with the Piano Guys and you can watch it on Lds.org. It was perfect for them my favorite part was towards the end when they played Nearer my God to thee and Come Fount every Blessing and they show bits and pieces of the Bible Videos of Jesus Christ and what he did here on the earth for everyone he loved everyone with a perfect love, while this was playing the spirt was so strong and I'm so glad Karen, Susan and Josh were able to make it. Also this kid in our ward was a champion he went and sat by Josh and gave him his CTR ring and Josh loves it and hasn't taken it off it made him feel very special. It was A blessing.
This talk is something that I've been studying lately and really enjoy it, it's titled Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ by Dallin H. Oaks. Our Savior …knows our struggles, our heartaches, our temptations, and our suffering, for He willingly experienced them all as an essential part of His Atonement. And because of this, His Atonement empowers Him to succor us—to give us the strength to bear it all. … Sometimes His power heals an infirmity, but the scriptures and our experiences teach that sometimes He succors or helps by giving us the strength or patience to endure our infirmities.....I know that if we humble ourselves we can use Jesus Christ's Atonement to Help us in our life. And he is the only way we can be free form the burdens and struggles that we carry Daily.
We were pretty disappointed on Sunday when we were planning on Susan, Karen and Josh being at church this week and they failed to show up. It can make it so tough sometimes when you do all you can to get them there, but it wasn't all bad a investigator of ours that were weren't expecting to show up came to church we were pretty pumped when we saw him come to church. There is a special spirt that you can't get anywhere else that you get from the sacrament. And we just want all of those people we see to enjoy that blessing.
I'm still doing very good and enjoying Minneola and the great Companion that I have, looking forward to this next week but I'm pretty sad that car week is over haha oh well better get biking them hills anyways the scripture I would like to share this week is one of my favorites and one that I share with those that i teach. Ether 12:27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them. Hope you all have a great week and a Happy Halloween 👻🎃
Elder Gentry